Small Company. Big Plans.
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Let's keep it simple. Here's our vision:
With the advancement of bioinformatics technology, the need for scientists to decipher and interpret information embedded in complex biological systems continues to grow. Since its inception in 2012, BioSoft continues to improve in areas of ...
Next Generation Computional Biology Software
BioSoft is a collaborative initiative of extensible software for computational biology and bioinformatics. Our goals include: fostering collaborative development and widespread use of innovative software, reducing barriers to entry into interdisciplinary scientific research, and promoting the achievement of remote reproducibility of research results.
Cloud Computing Solutions for Genomic Research
Our cloud-based solutions help researchers analyze data from thousands of genomes in seconds, far less time than conventional methods. Ask us more about our ground breaking techniques.

Comprehensive Bioinformatics Services
Scale up your omics research instantly.
Personal Biotech Squad
Learn about how we optimize teamwork while you reap the benefits of working collaboratively.
Small & Large Projects
No project too big or too small. We believe in tailored service; there's no 'one size fits all' at BioSoft.
Flexible Payment Options
Essentially, our customers have the option to buy now, pay later, or alternatively, pay in installments.
Proprietary Computional Biology Platforms
With our proprietary computational biology applications, we are approaching market entry to disrupt conventional methods, with customers including, but not limited to, biotech, research, academic, clinical, and pharmaceutical companies.

Legacy Tools
Version 4.0.6
Genescan Ultra
Version 1.0.9
Version 1.0.5
PSYCH Genomic Screening
Version 1.0.2
Genescan Ultra

Legacy Tools


Legacy Tools

Genescan Ultra

PSYCH Genomic Screening

Genescan Ultra

Readings From Our Co-Founder.
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The Tree with Many Branches
A Collection of Essays in Computational Phylogenetics
Want to build an evolutionary tree? Here's your chance to learn how. The field of bioinformatics was born out of the need to manage, analyze, and examine raw genomic data in meaningful and exciting ways, such as the discipline of computational phylogenetics would provide. The evolutionary inferences reached among the several peer-reviewed articles contained in this book are neither novel nor breakthrough. However, it is in the application of computational techniques, experiment design, and probabilistic models where this research finds a stronghold. As a matter of practicality, the original manuscripts have been edited for a broader audience due to its highly technical language. The essays compiled in these pages have undergone a facelift, from their original scientific format into a more reader-friendly layout, as to better accommodate two different perspectives - both experts and non-experts alike.
Explore This
Company Publications
(2018). International Journal of Biology, 42-53, Vol.: 11, Issue.: 1. DOI: 10.5539/ijb.v11n1p42.(2018). Journal of Applied Life Sciences International, 2394-1103, Vol.: 18, Issue.: 2. DOI: 10.9734/JALSI/2018/43129.(2017). International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Page No: 41-47. DOI: 10.20431/2349-0365.0509008.(2016). Journal of Bioinformatics, Proteomics and Imaging Analysis, Rev 2(3): 1- 07. DOI: 10.15436/2381-0793.16.1181.
(2015). Annual Research & Review in Biology, ISSN: 2347-565X, Vol.: 9, Issue.: 2. DOI: 10.9734/ARRB/2016/22895.(2015). Journal of Molecular Biology Research,5(1), p11. DOI: 10.5539/jmbr.v5n1p11.(2014). Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 5, 470-477. DOI: 10.4236/abb.2014.55057.
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